It’s a new hip, but the same zeal for cardiologist, John Schaeffer, M.D. To say he leads an “active lifestyle” would be a serious understatement. A typical bike trip would be a 50 mile excursion, his favorite skiing spots are found by helicopter, and a casual vacation is hiking overseas.

So when his back, and then groin, began giving him trouble, Dr. Schaeffer was not surprised. He says, “it may have been all this bouncing around on dirt,” that made him a candidate for both back and hip surgery. Dr. William Stanfield scheduled surgery for a total hip replacement.

“Dr. Stanfield is an excellent surgeon and EMH was a great place to have surgery. The nursing and rehab staff were great and physical therapy was a positive experience. But as I tell my patients, ‘As soon as you are well, get out of the hospital.’ I was up and walking the next day after surgery and convinced them to let me go home after 48 hours. I think that was a record.”